手打书 > 历史军事 > 斗罗之我可以合成万物 > 第50章 请叫我肝帝

第50章 请叫我肝帝(2 / 4)

you know Ender Dragon?”


“Yes,l know.”


“With your current strength, you are qualified to defeat it in the game, but you should know that players, it, not just it, everything here is no longer just a pile of data.”





“Increase the difficulty by at least 5 times, no, 10 times. Of course, in the absence of “he“.”




“Yes. But I don't want you to know too much about him, game player. Sometimes it's not a good thing to know enough.”


“In addition, players, your friends are looking for you. Go quickly.”


最新小说: 饥荒年,我以现代物资缔造古代盛世王朝 隋朝的棋局 被捉奸的我,成了正主 皇孙凶猛 一品厨娘 嫌我庶子逐出门,我封侯拜相你悔什么! 冷王嗜宠:嚣张狂妃 抗日:铁血战魂,带出一个特种部队 暮汉昭唐 饥荒年,我囤货隔空投喂女帝